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Techni-Logic Communications

Project Engineering


Vendor Coordination

Quite often projects are more than just a couple cable pulls or some MAC programming. Some require general contractors, building personnel, electricians, etc.

Our goal is to be your spokesperson & negotiator as experts in our industry, always under your guidance and supervision.

Whether it be recommendations and interfacing your reps on a new voice/ data internet package, or working with architects/ designers/ general contractors defining needs on a build or an expansion.

Design Creation

Realizing your dreams and encouraging your creativity

We’re the ones who work with you to offer definition on how to make it work, what it will take to make it work, the pro’s and cons of making it work, and how much it will cost to make it work.

Let’s make it work, we’ll help fuel your creativity while keeping an eye on your budget, insuring that it’s technologically feasible, and right for your environment.


A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and the end user that defines the level of service expected from the service provider.

SLAs are output-based in that their purpose is specifically to define what the customer will receive.

Service Level Agreements use to be mandatory in contract agreements. People stood behind what they sold because they believed in the product and they believed in the team of people supporting that product.

That belief is alive and well at TLC where we will work as a team to meet predefined Project Timelines & Milestones.

A well defined and typical SLA will contain the following components:

  • Type of service to be provided
  • The service's desired performance level
  • Monitoring process and service level reporting
  • Steps for reporting issues with the service
  • Response and issue resolution time frame
  • Repercussions for service providor not meeting its commitment

Type of service to be provided:

It specifies the type of service and any additional details of type of service to be provided. In case of an IP network connectivity, type of service will describe functions such as operation and maintenance of networking equipment, connection bandwidth to be provided, etc.

The service's desired performance level, especially its reliability and responsiveness:

A reliable service will be the one which suffers minimum disruptions in a specific amount of time and is available at almost all times. A service with good responsiveness will perform the desired action promptly after the customer requests for it.

Monitoring process and service level reporting:

This component describes how the performance levels are supervised and monitored. This process involves gathering of different type of statistics, how frequently this statistics will be collected and how this statistics will be accessed by the customers.

The steps for reporting issues with the service:

This component will specify the contact details to report the problem to and the order in which details about the issue have to be reported. The contract will also include a time range in which the problem will be looked upon and also till when the issue will be resolved.

Response and issue resolution time frame:

Response time-frame is the time period by which the service provider will start the investigation of the issue. Issue resolution time-frame is the time period by which the current service issue will be resolved and fixed.

Repercussions for service provider not meeting its commitment:

If the provider is not able to meet the requirements as stated in SLA then service provider will have to face consequences for the same. These consequences may include customer's right to terminate the contract or ask for a refund for losses incurred by the customer due to failure of service.

Return on Investment (ROI's)

The customer’s circumstances dictate the equipment to be utilized. Cost is one of the largest of those circumstances.

Along with that comes the applicable ROI, Return on Investment, which is defined as the measurement, per period, rates of return on money invested in an economic entity in order to decide whether or not to undertake an investment.

It is also used as an indicator to compare different investments within a portfolio.

The investment with the largest ROI is usually prioritized, even though the spread of ROI over the time-period of an investment should also be taken into account.

Recently, the concept has also been applied to scientific funding agencies (e.g., National Science Foundation) investments in research of open source hardware and subsequent returns for direct digital replication.

With all that said, we at TLC understand the Long Term Progression.

Long-Term Progression

We’re in it for the long haul. We’ve been around for 25 plus years and some of our customers have been our customers for just about that long.

There’s more to being a vendor than making the occasional sale or having an annual maintenance contract. It’s looking ahead. Catching things before they become crisis situations.

There’s also an honesty part involved that doesn’t just deal with what the industry is dictating, but what the real life experiences are.

The equipment is incredibly reliable so there’s not that much need for a maintenance contract, that’s what the customer needs to be told so an intelligent decision can be made.

A software upgrade is recommended by the manufacturer but failing in the field, the customer needs to know that so they can do the pro’s and con’s and make an informed decision.

At TLC, we want our customer’s to be life long customers.

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